How to be Happy in Retirement
Ahwatukee Foothills News by Dr. Harold Wong
The previous two articles, published in July and August, 2024 (and found at in the “Articles” section of www.drharoldwong.com) have discussed how to have enough money to enjoy retirement. This article will cover how to be happy in retirement. Note: Not having enough money to cover your needs can be miserable; but having enough money does NOT make you happy.
Money is really an amplifier of one’s true character. In business one can see totally ruthless rich folks and also kind rich folks such as Warren Buffett, who has pledged to give his vast fortune to help others. His famous quote is: “Of the billionaires I have known money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars.”
A recent 3/26/2024 article found in forbes.com by Wes Moss is titled “Five Lifestyle Secrets of the Happiest Retirees” is eye-opening.
Habit #1: Happy Retirees Have an Average of 3.6 Core Pursuits
A core pursuit is a hobby or passion that brings you excitement and fulfillment. It could be a sport such as playing golf, tennis, or pickleball. It could be playing bridge. For decades, my Mom’s major passion after retirement was competing in bridge tournaments and reaching the coveted “Life Master” designation, held by less than 3%.
My Dad did not have a passionate hobby and was not nearly has happy in retirement as my Mom. However, for years he did volunteer at the local hospital, fixing wheel chairs and other mechanical tasks as he was a trained engineer. You have to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning instead of trying to stretch out a day without meaning.
Habit #2: Happy Retirees Live Near at Least 50% of Their Adult Children
For most, you have not spent more time with anyone else in life except your spouse and your children. Even if you have had issues with your kids, most absolutely love their grandkids. You had no previous training to raise your kids and so learned by painful trial and error. With your grandkids, you can spoil them such as taking them out for ice cream sundaes, knowing that you won’t have to deal with the behavior issues from too much sugar. You can have fun with the grandkids with none of the day-to-day responsibilities.
Habit #3: Retirees Are 4.5 Times More Likely To Be Unhappy If They’re Unmarried
It’s clear that most people need someone close to love, or at least be friends with, on a daily basis. Yet, we know that half of first marriages wind up in divorce. You get a mulligan on your first marriage but better be right on your second marriage.
Habit #4: Happy Retirees Have At Least Three “Close Connections”
We all need someone to share our victories and defeats and men often don’t want to admit their emotional downs to a spouse. Dan Buettner, who explains longevity and happiness of particular cultures, says that if you don’t have at least three true friends, it shaves eight years off your life expectancy.
Habit #5: Retirees Are 1.5 Times More Likely To Be Happier If They Regularly Attend A Place Of Worship
The happiest attend church at least once a week. The church gives you an immediate broad social circle of like-minded individuals. It offers many opportunities for social and volunteer activities. One client met his second wife at his church support group for those whose spouses have died.
Conclusion: Use these five lifestyle secrets to chart your own happy retirement! You can plan to be happy or miserable in retirement.
To RSVP for the seminars or schedule a free consultation, please contact Dr. Harold Wong at (480) 706-0177 or
Dr. Wong earned his Ph.D. in Economics at University of California/Berkeley and has appeared on over 400 TV/radio programs.